Friday, May 24, 2024

Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai - Chapter 474

Thank you to all Patrons! 

Special thanks to  Abdullah A., Aiji S., Alex, Alexander P., Bakadeathly, Bazsi, Beepboop, BigZak, Bradford H., Bradford H., Brandon M., Brben, Brili3n, Chocolat, Code_Vio, Corey, Daniel B., Deguaro, DKLA, DM, Dragoncamper, Emblyon, Emmanuel R., Evan A., F. Google, Hector L., Jacob, Jakers, Janice, Jared E., Jason, Jaycob T., Jaycobt, Jazer A. S., Jealyn L.,  Joseph A., Juan R., Kevin P., Krazey K., Lou M. P., Luis D., Luther S., Malinkat, Matteo S., Maverun, Max, Miguel A. G., Mosealong, Myla, Neilvon A., operaa, Otto E., Pao Y., P. Andres,  Rj Gun, Scott M., Shadowbec, Shaun, SK, Sniktaw, Soomin B., Tanner E., Tenkkun, Tim N., Tuan N., Urko M. M., VizardG, William H., XxChemical_fire, YMK, Z, and Zachary D.!

Toward A Peaceful World

Three days after skiing with Torr and Asmo.

Eleonora-neesan and I came to Elman’s workshop to pick up the ski and snowboard we ordered.

Using the sample I made with Earth magic, the production wouldn’t be that difficult so it didn’t take a long time for them to be finished.

That’s why we came to his workshop in high spirits, but the workshop that should have been quiet was now filled with villagers and bustling.

「……there’s a lot of people here」

Un, I wonder what happened?」

This place is on the outskirts of the village so there shouldn’t be a lot of people here. He said the production of the throwing target and kick target used at the harvest festival has calmed down.

So I don’t understand why it’s bustling here.

As I passed through the gathering villagers, I saw craftsmen working desperately on the bases of ski boards and snowboards inside the workshop.


……aah, this is similar to the time with reversi. The villagers who are in a situation where they can’t satisfactorily move their bodies are gathering to find some entertainment.

「Two ski boards, please!」

「Three snowboards for me」

「I’m ordering ski boards and snowboards for two people each」

「Ple, please wait a moment!」

「Those who have finished ordering come over here! I will measure your height!」

Inside the workshop, Lou and Lyle were frantically handling the orders coming in from the villagers.

Hang in there, newcomers.

「Eleonora-sama, Alfried-sama, welcome」

As I was cheering for them in my mind, Elman hurriedly came out to welcome us.

By the fact that he called out Eleonora-neesan’s name first, it looks like he properly understand the hierarchy among us.

「Such a busy place, are the villagers copying what we played.....?」

「Yes, it seems so. After Eleonora-sama and Alfried-sama ordered, the villagers came barging in and it has been like that ever since」

「……I’m sorry, I guess?」

Lately, I feel like I’ve been burdening Elman, like ordering a lot of things for the harvest festival.

There wouldn’t have been much work in winter normally and it should have been a relaxed time for them.

「No, Alfried-sama’s game is more healthy compared to the violent snowball fights so I want them to be mass-produced and spread to the people as fast as possible」

I felt sorry for the craftsmen but Elman wasn’t upset surprisingly.

If anything, his expression is bright as if he just found a new prospect.

「Skiing or snowboarding is much safer than participating in ‘that’ snowball fight, isn’t it」


Elman nods as if he completely agrees - from the bottom of his heart - with my words.

The snowball fights in Koryatt village are too serious. These days the people playing in snowball fights have become more well-coordinated like being in an army, and even the snowballs are rock-hard.

So it’s probably many times safer to slide down the slope with a ski or snowboard in peace if you’re going to get swallowed by the rain of snowballs in a snowball fight.

It seems like Elman is working hard with such a kind world as his motive.

Although, that’s Elman’s personal opinion, the other craftsman might actually be unhappy.

They’re going to bear a grudge against me if I were to abuse them too much.

「I would like to thank you with something, is there anything you would like?」

「No, we don’t need anything like that. We have already received an extra reward from lord-sama at the harvest festival」

「That might be so but I feel guilty……」

「……then, can I have some fresh meat? I haven’t been able to get my hands on some fresh meat lately, often just salted meat. Everyone will be happy if we’re able to get some fresh meat」

Money would have been fine, but I think Elman probably felt sorry otherwise.

So as a compromise, he asked for fresh meat in preparation for wintertime. I think it’s not a bad idea.

「And that’s how it is, Eleonora-neesan. Please get some meat at the next vigilante corps practice」

「Ehー? Me?」

Maybe Eleonora-neesan thought I would reject Elman’s request as she frowns.

I wouldn’t ask something like this normally, but I owe him this time.

「I made the skis and snowboards and also taught how to do it. I also paid the fee for making them too」

「Well, it’s fine since we’re already doing it」

「Thank you very much」

Then Eleonora-neesan took on the request, maybe she’s weak when being asked like that.

I think this is a praiseworthy achievement for me to ask someone who can do it. Even if it’s with others' help, it will be my achievement as well if I manage to persuade them.

She may be an unreasonable neesan, but she’s surprisingly weak to this kind of attack. I mean, it would be shameful to complain about it in front of the villagers.

But, I will receive an unexpected counterattack if I were to overdo it so let’s do it in moderation. It’s impossible for me to control Eleonora-neesan after all.

「So did you make our skis and snowboards?」

「Yes, we have prepared it over here」

Guided by Elman, we arrived at a table where they had prepared the skis and snowboards we ordered.

They are custom-made ones made to fit our foot size and height.

It came with fixtures and belts attached, and when I place my foot there it securely fixes my foot in place.

「Can I try them?」

「Of course. I will immediately adjust it if you feel any discomfort」

Eleonora-neesan said in a dignified tone and tried them on.

It sounds boorish when I say it like that, but it was really natural and cool when Eleonora-neesan did it. I wonder if that was what the so-called noble’s dignity?

It sounds like the tackiness stands out when I said it like that so I just silently fix my foot in place on the snowboard.

I tried moving them in place but it didn’t come off immediately, it securely fixed my foot.

But if I want to take them off I can do it immediately by removing the belt making it easily detachable.

Un, it’s nice, not too tight」

「It also slides easily and there doesn’t seem to be any problem」

「Thank you very much. It may be difficult to fasten if it’s clogged with snow so please remove the snow as needed if it gets clogged」

「I got it」

I also put on the ski to try it and lightly skied outside on a level ground but there wasn’t any problem with it so I paid for them and left the workshop.

「Here he is! Al, help me!」

「Eleonora-sama, please help!」

As we went outside pusing our way through the villagers, Torr and Ema-oneesama called us, followed by many children in tow.

「What’s going on?」

I asked Torr, who came toward me hurriedly while letting out a visible white breath.

「We’re teaching the villagers how to slide down the slope, but it’s impossible with just us alone! Al teach them!」

「「Alfried-sama, please teach us」

I was about to reflexively say 「Eehh……」, but I couldn’t help but to swallow that word back seeing the children behind Torr lowering their heads when asking me that.

Judging from Torr’s grin on his face, he must have known it would be like this so he brought them to me

I would have refused it since it’s troublesome if it was just Torr alone.

「Eleonora-sama, please help us too. Sheila and I are not that good at teaching them」

「「Eleonora-sama, please! Please teach us」」

There are a lot of girls behind Ema-oneesama commendably lowering their heads and earnestly requests her help.

I guess it’s true. They will also need more people to teach them if there are this many people.

It will leave a bad impression and aftertaste if someone gets injured by the game I introduced.

Eleonora-neesan and I looked at each other and we both made an expression that seemed to convey our resignation.

「Fine. I will teach you」

「As expected from Alfried-sama! The lord’s son himself!」

I was annoyed by the fact that Torr smooth-talks at only at such times but I can’t hit him in front of everyone.

「Okay. I will teach everyone」

「Thank you very much, Eleonora-sama!」

And when Eleonora-neesan nodded to their request, the people over there screamed in excitement.

I guess that’s proof that she’s popular among the girls in the village.

And thus, Eleonora-neesan and I were being led by the village’s children and ended up teaching them all day.

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Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai - Chapter 483

Thank you to all Patrons!  Special thanks to    Abdullah A., Aiji S.,  Alex, Alexander P., Allen W., Assasinart,  Bakadeathly,  Bazsi, Beepb...