Friday, May 24, 2024

Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai - Chapter 473

Thank you to all Patrons! 

Special thanks to  Abdullah A., Aiji S., Alex, Alexander P., Bakadeathly, Bazsi, Beepboop, BigZak, Bradford H., Bradford H., Brandon M., Brben, Brili3n, Chocolat, Code_Vio, Corey, Daniel B., Deguaro, DKLA, DM, Dragoncamper, Emblyon, Emmanuel R., Evan A., F. Google, Hector L., Jacob, Jakers, Janice, Jared E., Jason, Jaycob T., Jaycobt, Jazer A. S., Jealyn L.,  Joseph A., Juan R., Kevin P., Krazey K., Lou M. P., Luis D., Luther S., Malinkat, Matteo S., Maverun, Max, Miguel A. G., Mosealong, Myla, Neilvon A., operaa, Otto E., Pao Y., P. Andres,  Rj Gun, Scott M., Shadowbec, Shaun, SK, Sniktaw, Soomin B., Tanner E., Tenkkun, Tim N., Tuan N., Urko M. M., VizardG, William H., XxChemical_fire, YMK, Z, and Zachary D.!

Each Person's Sense

「You guys, what are you doing?」

As I was looking down toward Torr and Asmo - who is wrestling in an unsightly manner on the snow down there -, someone called out to us.

Turning around to look toward the source of the voice, I saw Eleonora-neesan, Ema-oneesama, and Sheila.

All three of them are wearing winter clothes.

Eleonora-neesan is wearing the same clothes that emphasize ease of movement just like last year and her thighs are slightly visible. Didn’t she get cold?

Ema-oneesama is wearing layered clothes and something like a cape, at first glance she looks like a young lady from somewhere.

Wearing layered clothes in winter shouldn’t make you expose your skin but it makes her look mature.

On the other hand, Sheila is wearing the warmest clothing, perhaps she’s sensitive to the cold. She wore a lot of clothes layered over another, earmuffs, and also a fur hat.

She’s like a fluffy animal somehow and has a different kind of cuteness to her.

「We’re just sliding down a slope」

「Hmーm. Are you sliding down the slope on this board?」

Eleonora-neesan comes closer to me and stares at the snowboard I’m using.

It goes without saying that she’s probably interested in this.

「Eh~? Was there such a big undulating spot in this place?」

「I made it bigger with magic to make a slope」

「So you can easily change the terrain like this with magic.....」

Ema-oneesama wryly smiled a little when I answered Sheila’s question.

It’s easy because I just piled up snow on the spot. It would be a little more difficult if I wanted to try and change the terrain with Earth magic.

Although, it’s not a great burden for me now since the amount of my magic power has increased and my controlling ability in magic has also improved.

I pull Torr and Asmo - who are at the bottom of the slope - back.

「Eleonora-sama! Ugeehh, neechan!」

「What’s with that ‘ugeehh’?」

Torr’s face immediately brightens after seeing Eleonora-neesan’s face, but then he grimaces after seeing Ema-oneesama. I think it should be the other way around though.

「Ah, neechan

「I came here because I heard a cheerful voice~」

On the other hand, Asmo and Sheila seem to get along really well.

If you look from a bystander’s perspective, their exchange will look like a lover’s meet-up, doesn’t it?

「Hey, try sliding down and show how it’s done」


She asked me casually like how she wanted me to buy bread or something, as a younger brother I had no choice but to comply.

I decided to just obediently slide down the slope on my snowboard.

Just that, it will be boring to just slide straight down as it is so I’m making left and right turns as I slide down.

As expected it’s definitely more slippery than the sand dune in Jaisal. The feeling of sliding down a sand dune and snow slope is completely different.

Feeling good, I decided to do a 360-degree spin on the snowboard and slid down.

「What the heck is that!? The board turned around!?」

As I finished sliding down the slope and returned to the top with Psychic, I saw Torr looking at me with a bright and sparkling expression.

「It’s just a little move」

「Really, Al looked somewhat cool when you’re sliding back there. But not so now, though」

Un, his eyes look dead as usual」

「Eyes looks dead, right~」

「All of you, can I hit you?」

Wouldn’t it be fine for them to praise my freestyle move a bit more normally? Though I guess it’s quite a difficult skill for them.

「Hey, please also teach me how to spin just like you did!」

「It’s impossible for Torr who can’t even slide down straight. At least until you can slide down normally first」

The degree of difficulty in doing that is too high for a beginner to try. It might be possible if you have the athletic ability like Maya.

Next time I meet her again in Jaisal, I may be able to teach her things like jumping techniques with the board.

「It looks surprisingly interesting. Let me do it too」

「I would also like to try」

「Me too~」

Following Eleonora-neesan, Ema-oneesama, and Sheila also said that they wanted to try.

There are few activities where you can move your body freely in winter after all. It seems like they want to have various stimulation or excitement.

「Sure. The one Torr and I use is called a snowboard, Asmo is a ski board, which one would you like?」

「I want the snowboard」

「I would like the ski board」

「I’m the same as Ema~」


Thus, I make a snowboard for Eleonora-neesan and ski boards for Ema-oneesama and Sheila.

After that, I fixed their feet to each of their boards with Earth magic.

And just like before, I taught them simple ways of skiing with the boards.

「Hmーm, I mostly understand how to do it」

As I was teaching them how to slide down slowly while also braking, Eleonora-neesan said that and started to slide down the slope.

She firmly maintains her balance with proper weight distribution and even showed turns that I haven’t taught yet.

Uwaaa, amazing! Eleonora-sama, she can already slide down!」

Torr who is also using the same snowboard, opened his eyes wide in surprise looking at her.

I guess it’s because he also experienced it firsthand that he probably understands how amazing it is for Eleonora-neesan to skillfully maneuver the snowboard.

「She’s good at things that require moving her body as always」

「It’s all about the balance and the weight transfer, right? It’s not that difficult once you get used to it」

That’s true theoretically, but that was difficult to put into action for ordinary people.

「Eleonora-sama is amazing. Even though we’re still doing our best just to stand……」

「That Asmo, he can also stand on a board like this, didn’t he? I’m scared we are going to slide down the slope just like this~」

Maybe Ema-oneesama and Sheila have a bit of fear while sliding down since they look like they are struggling and hunched over.

「It’s just as Al said, you will not slide forward if you keep a V-shaped stance with your ski board」

「Ah, it’s true~」

「But, this is surprisingly fast!」

However, Asmo is approaching them so they are able to slide while braking.

It’s more peaceful and looks a little fun over there.

「Hey, Al. How do I return with this? I can’t move since my legs are fixed on the board」

「Aah, I will use magic to lift you up and carry you up here」

I cast Psychic on Eleonora-neesan’s board - as she finished sliding down to the bottom - and pulled her toward the top.

「It will be troublesome to use Al’s magic to pull each person every time, won’t it?」

Un, that’s what I thought as the number of people increased.

It’s a hassle to use magic every time and Eleonora-neesan would probably want to walk back in her own timing too.

「That’s cause I’m using Earth magic to fix your legs to the board. It will actually be best to attach a fixture you can take off yourself but the number of boards are increasing. So let’s just use that for now」

「Okay. Then, let’s stop by Elman’s place and ask him to make it for us」

「That’s right. That will be best」

The production of kick targets has stopped these days so they should have gotten some time somewhat and I’m sure Elman will be able to do it.

It will make it easier for each person to have their own detachable board that way.

「This snowboarding thing, this is quite interesting!」

As Eleonora-neesan boldly smiled, she jumped with momentum and continue to smoothly slide down the slope just like that.

Looks like she had completely gotten addicted to the speed and the exhilarating feeling of sliding down using a snowboard.

She slides down the slope while making a left and right turn and moving her center of gravity.


Torr fell down in Eleonora-neesan’s path, blocking her route down the slope.

I tried to stop her so there wouldn’t be any accident happening, but Eleonora-neesan easily avoided Torr and slid down.

「Torr, are you okay?」

「……I feel like Eleonora-sama looked at me as though she was looking at something in her way」

When I slid down to his location and asked him in worry, Torr muttered that somewhat in shock.

「Well, you were actually in the way after all」

It’s common among advanced skiers and snowboarders. They will give people a look as if you’re in the way if you repeatedly fall down and block the route even if you’re their friend.

Skilled people show no mercy for those who are not. It’s like a soccer team that dominates soccer in P.E. class with incredibly serious play as if they are unrivaled.

「That kind of Eleonora-sama is so cool……」

I thought Torr’s love for neesan would have cooled down by now, but that wasn’t the case for him.

I’m a little worried that my bad friend will wake up to strange tastes.

「Asmo, don’t you think the slope is too fast for us?」

「That’s right~. It’d be better if we gain a little more experience――」


Looking at the top of the slope, I saw Ema-oneesama and Sheila being pushed from behind by Asmo with his ski pole.

Then Ema-oneesama and Sheila slide down the slope.

When you look at the dark smile of Asmo laughing behind, there’s no doubt that he was the who did it.

「You’ve done it now Asmo! Uwawawa! It’s fast, fast!」

Hyaaaaaa, stop stop this!」

The two of them were showing down slope slide that looked like a bullet to a place a little away from us while screaming like that.

Uwaa, what amazing speed. Those neechans

「Skiing is quite fast in a straight line」

If you compare snowboard and ski, skiing should probably be faster in terms of speed alone.

「「What should we doー!?」」

「You either brake by making a V-shape character with your ski boards or maintain your balance just like that and slide down!」

If such things happen to you, you either have to maintain your balance while continue to slide down or brake and slow down.

「「Impossible impossibleー!」」

I frantically told them the method to deal with it but the two eventually slid to the bottom while screaming.

They seemed to have learned how to fall properly thanks to Asmo’s lecture, but it was fortunate they didn’t fall unskillfully.

「Asmo, come here for a moment~?」

「Let’s talk shall we?」

Sheila and Ema-oneesama slowly rose and said those lines with dark smiles on their faces.

「I won’t be stupid enough to do that you know」

However, Asmo is confident in his superiority and is not afraid.

「……oi, Al. Don’t you want to break that composed smile of his?」

Un, I also thought the same」

There are a lot of things Asmo has done to me, one way or another. I think it’s fine for him to experience some pain once in a while.

「Earth magic, Release」

Looking cool and snapping my fingers, I release the fixture on Sheila and Ema-oneesama’s ski boards.

Then, lo and behold. The two of them can walk freely now.

「As expected from Alfried-sama, you understand us~」

「Thank you very much! Now we can catch Asmo!」

「Oi, Al! It’s bad if you don’t properly restrain the animals in their cages y’know!?」

Seeing the freed avenger, Asmo - who was smiling calmly before - panicked.

「Hahaha, I wanted to see that face of yours!」

「Aahー, apparently the magic has gotten weakー」

「These scums!」

Asmo threw a dirty word when Torr laughed at him and I pretended to not know what happened.

「Wait up~, Asmo~!」

「Let us go now!」

Hii, hiiiiiii

Sheila and Ema-oneesama are running up the slope.

While the two gain their freedom, Asmo is skiing. He can’t run away either.

In a desperate attempt to resist, Asmo will slide down the slope but he would likely be caught.

I can see Asmo sliding down the slope and moving a little faster.

However, he can’t even walk satisfactorily with the ski boards. It’s like watching carnivores hunt their prey.

Seeing such an unsightly Asmo, Torr and I laugh at him as if we’re watching a show.

「Al, carry me with your magic」

Hooーi, okay」

And Eleonora-neesan continues to slide stoically.

It’s cold outside, but it’s not so bad if I can play with everyone like this.

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1 comment:

  1. As Eleonra-neesan boldly smiled, she jumped with momentum and continue to smoothly slide down the slope just like that.

    You misspelled Eleonora


Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai - Chapter 483

Thank you to all Patrons!  Special thanks to    Abdullah A., Aiji S.,  Alex, Alexander P., Allen W., Assasinart,  Bakadeathly,  Bazsi, Beepb...