Illustration - Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai

The illustrations contain spoilers. You've been warned.

Sylvio, Alfried, Eleonora


Sleeping Eleonora on Al's bed

Harvest Festival (vol. 2 cover)

Harvest Festival

Harvest Festival (with Rinalia)

Royal Capital Arc (vol.3 cover)

Al, Eric, Ra-chan, Shelka, Alicia, Nord, & Elna.

Ice Princess

Back to Koryatt (vol.4 cover)

Eleonora Slowlett

Journey to Kagura (vol. 5 cover)

Onsen water fight

Enjoying Kagura

Escort Adventurers

Back from Kagura (vol.6 cover)

Eleonora & Elna in Kimono

Playing water, Gates & Clarisse

Hit & Hide Jankenpon

Volume 9 cover

Volume 10 cover

(Volume 10 Of The Light Novel doesn't have illustrations, but a manga or sort like the last picture here)

Volume 11 cover

Volume 12 cover

Volume 13 cover

Comic version


  1. Do not let these illustrations fool you. It is not as heartwarming as it seems.

  2. Seeing the illustrations make me want to read it more

  3. Nice, a lot of slow life
    Don't expect epic advanture and just enjoy how Al enjoying his slow life here

  4. I really want to read light novel version but never found someone translate it

    1. The LN version is more or less the same (some little change), there are also some side chapters not written on the WN though


Tensei Shite Inaka de Slowlife wo Okuritai - Chapter 464

Thank you to all Patrons!  Special thanks to    Abdullah A., Aiji S.,  Alex, Alexander P.,  Bakadeathly,  Bazsi, Beepboop, BigZak, B radford...